– A number of stones arranged in a circle on a plot of land in Jahiang Village, Salawu District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java are said to be able to connect gadgets to the internet even without a quota or WiFi.

Suddenly the circular stone in Tasikmalaya went viral on social media. Local residents named the place with circle stone (circular stone).

The stones are said to have emerged after 9 months of excavation. Based on search tvOnenews.comthe circular stone in Tasikmalaya went viral in 2022.

Not only gadgets, the circular stone is said to be able to connect handy-talky (HT) to places tens of kilometers away.

A number of news stories and content on social media quoted statements by Sundanese figure Anton Charliyan who is also the former West Java Regional Police Chief.

Even UNESCO and Telkom are said to have visited this place to ensure the correctness of the information.

Next page : is trying to get more valid information about this circular stone. Keep up to date with developments in the Tasikmalaya circle stone information by following on Google News.