Apple provided optimizations to the AirDrop feature, including expanded contact sharing options and the ability to share boarding passesmovie tickets, and other eligible tickets by combining two iPhones
There’s also an overhaul of favorite song playlists in Apple Music that now lets you quickly return to songs marked as favorites
Now, users can disable listening history in Apple Music via the Focus feature, so that the music you listen to doesn’t appear in Recently Played or influence your recommendations.
With iOS 17.2, you can quickly see the time on the Home Screen and when in Standby mode via widgets new digital clock.
AutoFill is now enhanced with the ability to identify fields in PDFs and other forms, allowing you to fill them with information such as names and addresses of contacts.
This update also brings a new keyboard layout that provides support for 8 Sámi languages
Then there is a sensitive content warning for stickers in the Messages application which prevents users from seeing stickers containing nude content
Finally, there’s Qi2 charger support for all iPhone 13 and iPhone 14 models, as well as fixing an issue that could prevent wireless charging in certain vehicles